Shoeboxes for Romania project
George and Mirela Coseraru in Ireland call Dublin home. A few years back, they understood that they should get involved and help a child in need with a gift for Christmas. They work with Romanian Christian Churches, that know about and get involved with the centers and children.
They started in 2013, with 300 gifts.In 2014 they had an amazing 700 gifts for the children.This time they went to hand over the gifts in Romania. They had refreshments, carols and a short message about Christmas, and the experience was hard to put in words; ups and downs, happiness and sadness; but to see and be part of the joy of children receiving and opening the gifts was well worth all the efforts.
For 2015, the aim was to generate enough funds for the transport of boxes, extra contents for the boxes (missing items) that are gratefully received from thoughtful and generous people like you.
This picture shows the Lions Club of Bletchley's contribution.
This project is running again in 2018.
Bletchley Milton Keynes Lions Club
Charity Incorporated Organisation Registered Charity 1193777
Lions Clubs International British Isles
District 105A
Tel 0345 833 9592
"To Create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world."
The month of March in 2016 is a special time to honor eye donors and their families for giving the gift of sight. Eye donations are crucial for research and education, as well as corneal transplants that can help restore the sight of children and adults. Lions Eye Banks recover, evaluate, store and distribute human eye tissue for sight-saving procedures. Lions support more than 60 eye banks in nine countries.
Lions Eye Banks
More than 50 new grant projects were approved at the May Board of Trustees meeting, including projects in every constitutional area. Diabetes, Lions’ new signature cause, was the focus of several grants, including one to establish camps and support groups for adolescents in Romania. In Wisconsin, USA, a grant was approved to purchase equipment for a cancer unit at a children’s hospital. A grant awarded to Lions in Japan will help expand a school in Bangladesh. In addition, LCIF and Special Olympics International agreed to renew their partnership until 2023, which means expanding upon the global activities that serve Special Olympics athletes and promote inclusion. These are just a few examples of the life-changing projects Lions are organizing around the world with support from LCIF.
Read more about the work of the Lions Clubs International Foundation at www.lcif.org
Lions Clubs International Foundation
Centennial celebration and Guinness World Record
The Italian and French Lions, with the help of volunteers from the Italian Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center, set a new Guinness world record! They formed a chain of 27,656 pairs of eyeglasses that measured 3072.90 meters (nearly 2 miles) in length. The record will be published in the Guinness World Records 2017, the year of Lions Clubs International Centennial celebration. Congratulations, Lions!

Gudrun Yngvadottir
Gudrun becomes the first woman to become International President of Lions Clubs International.
From Iceland she is a biomedical scientist and has worked at the University of Iceland as VD for the Institute of Continuing Education.
She has dedicated her service to;
children and youth
membership and leadership development
health and wellness especially vision and diabetes
Diabetes is a global epidemic, affecting an increasing number of men, women, and children all over the world. As Lions and Leos, we see and feel the effects of diabetes in our communities and are doing something about it together.
Diabetes can lead to serious diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, nerves and teeth. In most high-income countries, diabetes is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower limb amputation. It is expected to affect 629 million adults by 2045.Serving in diverse communities all over the world, we see and feel the effects of diabetes and are doing something about it together.
Our Strategic Objective :
Reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve quality of life for those diagnosed.

The earth sustains human life. We’ve seen how our stewardship of natural resources can improve quality of life and increase engagement in our local communities. Our environment is more than a background: it’s our home. And we’re committed to caring for it.
Environment Facts
>3 trillion trees in the world
30% of the world’s land area is covered by forest
>15 billion trees are cut down every year
46% Estimated global decrease in tree count since the start of human civilization

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