LIONS celebrated 100 years of service in 2019.
Watch the video to see how you may be able to help us celebrate with even greater service to our community
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest community service and humanitarian organisation with over 1.3 million volunteers and members and 44,500 clubs in 203 countries around the world.
It was founded in the United States of America in 1917 by Melvin Jones, a Chicago businessman. He posed the question to his business colleagues at the time...
"What if these men who are successsful because of their drive, intelligence, and ambition, were to put their talents to work improving their communities?"
Melvin's personal code, "You can't get far until you start doing something for sombody else," reminds Lions of the importance of community service.
If you're keen to contribute a little of your time and service for the benefit of others please take a few moments to watch and enjoy the videos and then contact us on...0845 833 9592 or email us at
Bletchley Milton Keynes Lions Club
Charity Incorporated Organisation Registered Charity 1193777

Lions Clubs International British Isles
District 105A
Tel 0345 833 9592
Click on the Title to open the Link for more information
The Lions Story
New volunteers,members or friends are always welcome.